Ties Album Art

Ties is a five-piece band playing post-hardcore tunes in the style of bands like Thrice, Hopesfall, and Thursday. Their first studio release needed a cover that expressed a level of authenticity and a message of Departure. Full disclosure: I play guitar in this band.

Authenticity through tactility

Ties maintains an authentic vibe with minimal effects and polish in its production—whether musical or visual. From the start of the project I was interested in finding a way to make the album art seem tactile to make it seem more grounded, more "real."

Ties Departure album art front and back
Departure process sketch 1

The album's themes centered around change—making, surviving, and growing through drastic change. We titled the album "Departure" for this reason.

Ties Departure sketch 2

For storytelling, I find linework to be very useful. At first I worked with pen and ink, thinking that the imperfections in pen strokes would yield the authentic feel we were looking for.

Ties Departure Sketch 3

Although the expression of more fluid shapes was appealing, they didn't seem to clearly tell the story of "departure;" there was no definite "break point," no actual point of departure. It was also a little too harmonious for our music and message. I tried again with much more angular lines, and let them intersect at different lengths and angles, for more tangled and chaotic appearance.

Ties Departure sketch 4

I realized I could make this design using a needle and thread and kept that in mind as I completed the lines. Incorporating type would still be more practical digitally however, and I would need a template anyway.

Departure Album Process 5

After printing the template and pasting it on foam core, I traced the art with thick bookbinding thread—somewhat coarse fiber that had plenty of dimension to it.

Departure Album Process 6

It was slow going. It took me many evenings to complete the threadwork. Ultimately, though, it was a much more satisfying piece than it would have been if it had been an entirely digital creation.

Departure album process 7Ties Departure album art front and backTies Departure Album