User Interface

Dentists and orthodontists need a way to view, edit, and approve their patient’s proposed treatment plan. That’s why we created ClearPilot, a robust 3D treatment planning and editing platform that lets clinicians communicate with the technicians staging treatment, and even edit their final treatment goals directly on the model using advanced 3D tools.

As a part of the core team for this software from its inception, ClearPilot is one of my proudest accomplishments in my time at ClearCorrect.

More about my career at ClearCorrect

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Vest Social

The vast majority of the construction industry is composed of highly-skilled, highly-specialized contractors working in a loose coalition that changes from project to project. In other words, each new major construction project is based on an intricate network of, “I know a guy.”

But what if you don’t know a guy in a particular area? Or what if the guy you know is busy? That’s the problem Vest Social aims to solve.

Scope and Strategy

The company’s process began with an evaluation of the recruitment landscape:

Sites such as LinkedIn or Indeed may work well for white-collar workers, but are not the light-weight experience most blue-collar workers are looking for. Meanwhile, sites like Craigslist are anonymous and overly broad.

While other platforms exist to help find new workers and expand one’s list of construction contacts, no other service offers the focused and simple experience Vest can.

As the "LinkedIn of the construction industry," Vest is building a stronger network of tradespeople to connect and learn from each other, buy and sell tools and equipment, and, of course, post and find jobs.

At the core of the app:

Process & role

Much of the development work had been done prior to my arrival on the project. However, although many UI elements were in place and a sort of color scheme had been implemented, an actual brand had not been developed. Although I had originally been contracted to produce marketing materials, the project's scope quickly expanded into brand building and UI refinement as well.

For the most part I worked as the sole designer for both marketing and product, collaborating directly with the founder and CEO for most of 2024.

Vest App logo permutationsVest account creation screensA selection of Vest app screensA selection of components created in Figma for the Vest app


Marketing materials

Materials for Vest included videos for social posts, magazine ads, trade show booths, various collateral, swag, and more.

Large vest poster with referral programVest retractable bannersVest trade show backdropPhotograph of Vest booth at small industry trade showDouble-page Vest ad in a trade magazine

Vest Social's launch

The Vest app launched in August of 2024 and continues to grow and evolve, adding features and supporting connections across the construction industry.